Wanna reach me? damnbastard at hotmail dot com
Monday, July 26, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Hiiiii Yaaaaaah!
I am Kung Fu Master. I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You? |
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
So, this is my Rottie after all that adventure we had yesterday. In case you're wondering, that bald patch on her front right paw is from her teeth cleaning. I guess they put the dogs under when they clean their teeth. I'm trying to take them to get their teeth cleaned at least once a year. And yes, she is sleeping in MY nap area. Silly dog.
Damn it. I really don't know what I am going to do without my ex being around. Gosh, I really feel as if she completed me...you know? Things like yesterday, make me realize just how much I miss her. I can't remember what movie this was from, but when she left me, she left a huge hole in me, and everytime the wind blows, it hurts. Something like that. I don't think I will find anyone that completed me so. Cared and loved animals as much as she. F*ck.
This not drinking thing sucks. Sure could've used a couple of cold ones to knock back last night.
Got Hello?
Who me?
So, this naughtie Rottie jumped over my fence yesterday and into the back yard where it is rather overgrown. I had no idea she was there. I called her and called her and then I started to panic. She doesn't bark or anything when I call her, unlike my Samoyed. I then proceeded to spend the next 30 to 45 minutes canvassing the neighborhood looking for her.
I guess I was at my wits end and called my ex-fiance to tell her the dog escaped again. That damn dog can climb chain link fences too. My ex was concerned, but still relatively calm. She asked if the cat was around, and I said "yes". She then said that's strange, because the Rott would chase the cat every chance she had. Then she asked if the Samoyed barked. I said no, and again she thought this was weird, because when the Rottie breaks out, the Samoyed goes nuts. Finally, she asked if I had checked the back yard. I told her I did glance over the wall, but that place is so overgrown and she and I did "kind of" seal up any possible way to get back there, so I didn't think she was there. My ex then told me to check anyway, and lo and behold guess who was rummaging around in the bushes!
I then proceeded to give her a hose down, (my dogs are spoiled, they get warm showers in the house) to punish her. Then, chained her ass up (again, they are spoiled and rarely chained up) and left her outside for a couple of hours. Think she learned her lesson. When I brought her back in to give her a shower, she leaned on me for reassurance. How can I stay mad??? What a smart, sweet dog.
Got Hello?
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Monday, July 05, 2004
So cute.
This site is cute. She posts pictures every so often of new types food she has eaten. Also has a nice picture of a canoe race that took place on the Fourth of July.